Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's been a Fast and Crazy 2009

After the Hawaii Ironman 70.3 last May I knew that something had changed in my view of Life.
Now..... after reading my last blog I realize that the change of perspective of "everything" started almost 3 years ago, and maybe a couple more. I was just coming out of a dark stage in my life and at the same time I was starting to take Triathlon more seriously, it was October 2005 and I went to the ITU World Championships in Honolulu, and after that, in December I went to Australia to train & race for almost 3 months, it was in Melbourne where I found out that the 70.3 Distance was better for me, and specially I liked it much more than the Olympic Distance. I returned to Mexico to find out that things could get worse than they were before, so I was forced to quit training like in those last 10 months, then......... Again I found the way out to much brighter and new life, but in those 3 years (2006, 2007, and 2008) I almost didn't train, at least not for more than 4 months straight, so.......while I was enjoying life again as it is supposed to be, I forgot about my passion "Triathlon" and it was in November while I was in California with my wife Paola where I think that the real "change" began, and I mean the one that has to do with this Blog haha! (I see that I entered existentialism waters ) anyway, after that trip to L.A. I started training again with a new energy, and I remembered that last race in Torquay, Australia, so I signed for the Lonestar Half Ironman in Galveston TX, I shed 11 kilos that I gained of the Dolce Vita, that's 24 pounds! and went on to a PR of 4:34 in that distance.

After that race I planned my 2009 racing season with most of the races being Olympic Distance in Mexico and finishing up with Ironman Cancun 70.3 in September, it's funny how things never come out the way you planned, but it really depends on your point of view or attitude if the change in the outcome is for good or bad.
2 months later I was racing the Hawaii Ironman 70.3 and earning a Clearwater slot, another month and I was getting a 4th place overall finish in Half Ironman race in Alchichica, Mexico. (missing the 3rd by 56 seconds) August I raced The Xterra Mexico Global Tour without much expectations, I was more than happy of placing 2nd and earning a slot for Maui, so as soon as we were back in home, we started planning our trip back to Hawaii. Time went by, some 10k races, a PR of 38:30, and a Half Marathon in 1:28 at 158bpm so I decided not to go to Maui and focus in the 70.3 distance and Clearwater.
About those Olympic races, none........ Why do races that I've done over and over again since 1995? Why not go to new places? new races in the distance that I like so much, why not even change place to live? I mean...... If I am thinking different, why not really different? I am about to be 40 and I never felt so good in my life, so instead of thinking what I would like to do, I will better do stuff and write about it in my new 2009 blogspot and website.
I don't want to sound to deep or like Scott Tinley, but I really think that in life we have to do more and dream less, this way our dreams will come true.

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